Pour Toi

E-commerce is everywhere, but websites that sell handmade jewellery direct from the designers are far less common. In addition to the branding, design and build of the website, I also had help with struggles that most small businesses face – getting their products in the places people will find them.

To be a viable idea, Pour Toi needed to be a desirable platform for both buying and selling. Its identity had to be distinct and clear – Pour Toi couldn’t be another jewellery marketplace, it needs to be a tool for better business growth. The result was an easy-to-use, secure, and profitable e-commerce website.


Pour Toi offers a range of jewellery for the gift market. Each piece has been designed with a personal touch to let the recipient know that the gift is just for them. Pour Toi also provides the cards and wrapping that have been designed specifically for the product.

Like most e-commerce websites, Pour Toi is starting small with a very clear plan ahead.

Web Design
Web Development • E-Commerce Integration • Photography • Copywriting

Logo Design • Corporate Typography/Text Hierachy • Colour System Design • Stationary Design • Logo Placement • Corporate Images and Iconography

Social Media
Twitter • Facebook • Instagram • Pinterest • G+ • YouTube

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